Sunday, June 21, 2015

I'm doin' my yoga, And the world looks better standin' on my head

Today is Father’s Day in India as well as the US. If Father’s Day gets little attention in the US, at least compared to Mother’s Day, observance in India is essentially non-existent. In my case, my two fathers (Horace W Lundberg and Kenneth Whyte, Rae’s father) have passed on. I have been blessed in my life, in addition to these men to have others show me by example how to be a father. In this list I would include Jaron Norberg, Tomasue Abo, and my brothers in law. It is also a genuine pleasure to watch my son and sons in law grow into the role of father. They are doing a great job helping rear and guide our grandchildren. So, here’s to the fathers in my life. Thank you!

As noted, today is Father’s Day but did you know that it is also International Yoga Day? The United Nations has declared today, June 21st to be Yoga Day. I am not sure how big a deal that is anywhere else in the world but here in India it is a freakin’ big deal. Well, actually, I guess it is officially a bigger deal than it is for the common man or woman.

It appears that every level of government has arranged some official recognition. The centrepiece was this morning at which 40,000 people assembled on the raj path (the official assembly grounds between India Gate and the Presidential Palace) to do a yoga session. It was designed to set a Guinness World’s Record. Prime Minister Modi addressed the throng, but didn’t participate. This despite the fact that he “practices yoga every day.” In that regard there have been articles published about the importance of people practicing in advance of official activities. There is great concern that it would not be seemly if people cannot do the asanas, or yoga positions, correctly. I guess it might become apparent that yoga is honored more in its breach than its actual observance.

There have been commercials touting Yoga Day and encouraging participation. Today alone I have received three texts on my phone encouraging me to do something to participate in some way. I guess not surprisingly, all of this attention has caused some backlash. Many Muslims are concerned about the pressure to participate in yoga activities. They correctly point out that yoga is not just exercise but is inextricably connected to Hindu theology. They are afraid that if they don’t participate, they will be viewed as not being patriotic. However, they are more afraid that if they do participate, they will violate the imperative to only worship Allah. So much for yoga being just a good form of healthy activity.


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